From unrequited love and indeed you can die

Chest pain? Labored breathing? Irregular heartbeat? General weakness? Any of these symptoms could be indicative of “broken heart syndrome,” scientists in the UK say.

According to their latest research, unrequited love can not only cause “broken heart syndrome”, but also provoke premature death. The British claim that they have found irrefutable evidence that the heart can really break and not only because of unhappy love. Trouble, grief, fear, unbearable mental pain or boundless happiness – all this can cause premature death from heart failure, which the researchers called “broken heart syndrome.”

The strongest emotions provoke a powerful injection of adrenaline, which, as it turned out, does not stimulate the work of the heart, but, on the contrary, paralyzes it. The entire load falls on the upper chambers of the heart, while the lower ones are literally paralyzed. And this can lead to death.

Interestingly, the British took up this study three years ago. And their primary conclusions were that one cannot die from the “broken heart syndrome”. The same opinion was shared by their American colleagues, who, having studied the symptoms of 70 patients, stated that the disease is not fatal. Although about 20 percent of those participating in the

experiment, according to experts, were in critical condition.

The American Journal of Cardiology even published an article claiming that the “syndrome” was caused by a surge of stress hormones and only mimicked a heart attack. Therefore, the process is completely reversible.

However, further studies have completely refuted the preliminary findings. And today, scientists say that a broken heart is not an invention of poets.